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How to Sky-Rocket Your Ranking With SEO Keywords & Backlinks

Ever feel like your website is an SEO hidden gem, tucked away in a corner of the internet with no visitors? You've poured your heart into your site, but it's just not getting the love it deserves.

In this post, we will teach you EXACTLY how to use keywords and get BACKLINKS so you can crawl to the top of the rankings.

Illustration of site search

7 SEO Tips to Sky-Rocket Your Website to the Top

This guide is your key to unlocking the treasure chest of website traffic. We'll crack the code of powerful SEO keyword research and backlinks, the secret weapons that will help your Wix website rise to the top of search results.

So, buckle up and get ready to watch those website visits climb!

SEO Keywords: The Language Search Engines Understand

Imagine keywords as search engine whispers. These are the words and phrases people type into search bars to find what they need. The better you understand the keywords people use to find businesses like yours, the more likely your Wix website will appear in search results.

Think of it like this: If you own a bakery and people are searching for "best cupcakes near me," you want your website to show up! By strategically using relevant keywords throughout your website, you're telling search engines exactly what you offer.

Example: Let's say you sell handmade pottery. Some keywords you might use could be "unique pottery," "handmade mugs," or "ceramic workshops."

LSI Keywords: Unearthing Hidden Gems

SEO keyword research doesn't stop at just the obvious terms. LSI keywords, or Latent Semantic Indexing keywords, are like secret handshake phrases related to your main keywords. They help search engines understand your content even better and attract a wider audience.

Finding LSI keywords is easy:

  • Use online tools like Google Keyword Planner (free!) or

  • Look at the "People Also Ask" section on Google search results for your main keywords

Example: LSI keywords for "unique pottery" could be "raku pottery," "sculptural vases," or "ceramic gifts."

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Backlinks: The Popularity Powerhouse

Imagine getting a glowing recommendation from a trusted friend. That's the power of backlinks! When other websites link to yours, it shows search engines that your site is valuable and trustworthy. The more high-quality backlinks you have, the higher your website will rank in search results.

Earning backlinks takes some effort, but here are a few ideas:

  • Guest blogging: Write informative articles for websites related to your niche.

  • Industry directories: Submit your website to relevant online directories.

  • Broken link building: Find websites with broken links to similar content and offer yours as a replacement.

Remember: Quality matters more than quantity. Focus on getting backlinks from reputable websites in your industry.

Broken link building: Find what's not working

Broken link building can be a super effective strategy. There are two main ways to find broken links on other websites, so let's dive into how to do it step-by-step:

  • Manually: This is a good option for smaller websites. Look for blog posts or articles in your niche that seem well-written and informative. Then, scan the content for links. Click on a few – do they take you to a dead-end (like a 404 error page) or irrelevant content? Those are broken links!

  • Use Broken Link Checking Tools: Several online tools can help automate this process. Some free options include Screaming Frog or Check My Links. These tools crawl websites and identify broken links.

  • Is the Broken Link Relevant? Not all broken links are gold. Once you find a broken link, make sure it's relevant to the content you offer. For example, if you found a broken link about "best flower arranging tips" on a gardening website, that wouldn't be a good fit if you sell handmade jewellery.

  • Craft Your Superbly Helpful Pitch: Here's where you shine! Contact the website owner and let them know you found a broken link on their site. Don't just say, "Hey, your link is broken!". Instead, be friendly and helpful. Briefly explain who you are and what your website offers. Then, mention the specific broken link and suggest your high-quality content as a replacement.

Here's a Template You Can Use:

Subject: Improving Your Links: [Topic of Their Broken Link] on [Their Website Name]

Hi [Website Owner Name],

I came across your website while browsing for information on [Topic related to their website]. I really enjoyed your article on [Specific article with the broken link].

However, I noticed that the link to [text of the broken link] seems to be broken. I actually have a similar piece on my website about [Topic of your relevant content] that might be a valuable replacement. You can check it out here: [Your relevant content URL].

Of course, no worries if it's not a perfect fit! Just wanted to let you know in case it helps.

Thanks, [Your Name]

Remember: Keep your email concise and polite. The goal is to be helpful, not salesy.

By following these steps, you can find broken link opportunities and build valuable backlinks to your website!

Illustraion of people around a laptop

Guest Blogging: Becoming a Niche Authority Through Stellar Content

Guest blogging is a fantastic way to not only share your expertise but also score high-quality backlinks to your Wix website.

Here's how to turn you into a guest blogging pro:

1. Identify Your Niche Powerhouses:

  • Research relevant websites: Explore websites and blogs in your industry. Look for established players with good traffic and a strong social media presence. These are the sites you want to contribute to.

  • Content audit: Once you have a shortlist, delve deeper. Read their content, understand their audience's interests, and identify topics where your expertise can add value.

2. Craft a Killer Guest Post Pitch:

  • Write a captivating subject line: Grab the editor's attention with a clear, concise subject line that highlights your proposed topic's relevance to their audience.

  • Introduce yourself and your expertise: Briefly explain who you are and what makes you qualified to write on the chosen topic.

  • Pitch your guest post idea: Outline your article concept, emphasizing how it aligns with your audience's interests and fills a gap in their content.

  • Showcase your writing chops: Include a link to a relevant article you've written elsewhere to demonstrate your writing style and expertise.

  • Keep it short and sweet: Aim for a concise pitch that's easy to read and understand.

3. Write a Guest Post They Can't Refuse:

  • Research thoroughly: Dive deep into the chosen topic. Use credible sources and statistics to back up your claims.

  • Write for the audience: Tailor your writing style to the website's tone and the target audience's preferences.

  • Structure for readability: Break up long paragraphs with bullet points, subheadings, and visuals to keep readers engaged.

  • Optimize for SEO: Include relevant keywords naturally throughout your content, but prioritize delivering valuable information over keyword stuffing.

  • Promote your guest post: Once your article is published, share it on your social media platforms and encourage your followers to check it out. This will drive traffic back to your Wix website and establish you as an authority in your niche.

Bonus Tip:  Always be patient and professional when dealing with website editors. Responses can take time, but a well-crafted pitch and informative guest post will make a lasting impression.

Here's a Template You Can Use:

"Subject: Guest Post Idea: [Your Target Topic] for [Website Name]

Hi [Editor Name],

My name is [Your Name] and I'm a [Your Title/Expertise] with a passion for [Your Niche]. I've been a long-time follower of [Website Name] and I'm consistently impressed by the high-quality content you provide to your audience of [Target Audience Description].

I recently came across your article on [Related Topic] and found it particularly insightful. In fact, it inspired me to reach out with a guest post idea that I believe would be a valuable addition to your website.

My proposed guest post topic is: "[Your Guest Post Title]".
In this article, I'll be discussing:

[Key point 1 of your guest post]
[Key point 2 of your guest post]
[Key point 3 of your guest post]

I believe this topic aligns perfectly with your audience's interests in [Connect your topic to their audience's interests] and would provide them with actionable tips on [Benefit of your guest post].

Here are a few samples of my previous work that showcase my writing style and expertise:

[Link to relevant article 1]
[Link to relevant article 2]

I'm confident that I can deliver a well-written and informative article that meets your editorial standards. I'm open to discussing your specific needs and tailoring the content accordingly.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Industry Directories: Getting Your Website Listed Among the Best

Industry directories are online listings that categorize businesses by their niche or industry. Think of them as virtual yellow pages, but specifically for your field. Getting your

Wix website listed in relevant industry directories can be a great way to:

  • Boost Visibility: Directories are often frequented by potential customers searching for businesses like yours. A well-placed listing can put your website right in front of their eyes.

  • Improve SEO: Many directories have high domain authority, meaning they're trusted by search engines. Getting listed can give your website quite a bit of a ranking boost in search results.

  • Increase Credibility: Being featured in a reputable industry directory shows potential customers you're a legitimate business and can be a valuable source of trust.

Finding the Right Directories:

Not all industry directories are created equal. Here's how to find the best ones for your Wix website:

  • Target your niche: Look for directories specifically focused on your industry. General business directories might not be as effective.

  • Check domain authority: Use a free tool like Moz to check the domain authority of a directory. Higher authority means more SEO benefits.

  • Review submission guidelines: Each directory has its own submission process. Make sure you understand the requirements and follow them carefully.

Optimizing Your Directory Listing:

Once you've found the perfect directories, here are some tips for creating a compelling listing:

  • Complete your profile: Fill out all the information requested in the directory, including your website URL, contact details, and a detailed business description.

  • Optimize for keywords: Use relevant keywords throughout your profile, especially in your business description.

  • Include high-quality visuals: If the directory allows it, use a professional logo or image to grab attention.

  • Encourage reviews: Positive reviews from satisfied customers can significantly improve your listing's credibility.

Popular Industry Directory:

  • General Business Directories: Google My Business, Yelp, Bing Places

  • Niche-Specific Directories: Search online for directories specific to your industry (e.g., American Dental Association directory for dentists, Society of Interior Designers directory for interior designers)

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The Power of Anchor Text in Backlink Building and SEO

In the world of backlinks, anchor text is like the neon sign outside a shop – it tells users and search engines what to expect when they click on a link. Here's why anchor text is crucial for backlinks and how to use it strategically.

Why Anchor Text Matters:

  • Relevance: Anchor text provides context for both users and search engines. It clarifies what the linked page is about, making it more relevant to the surrounding content and the user's search intent.

  • SEO Signal: Search engines consider anchor text as a signal of a webpage's relevance to specific keywords. Strategic anchor text can help improve your website's ranking for those keywords.

  • User Experience: Clear and descriptive anchor text entices users to click by accurately reflecting the content they'll find on the linked page.

Crafting Effective Anchor Text:

  • Relevance is Key: Use anchor text that naturally describes the content of the linked page and is relevant to the context of your own webpage.

  • Variety is King: Don't just stuff exact-match keywords into your anchor text. Use a mix of variations, including long-tail keywords, brand mentions, and descriptive phrases.

  • Avoid Keyword Stuffing: Overusing exact-match keywords in your anchor text can appear unnatural and trigger search engine penalties.

  • Be User-Friendly: Focus on crafting clear and concise anchor text that entices users to click and understand what they'll find on the linked webpage.

Examples of Effective Anchor Text:

  • Instead of: "Click Here" (uninformative)

  • Try: "Learn How to Build High-Quality Backlinks" (descriptive, keyword-rich)

Putting it All Together: Get Your Website on Top

By mastering SEO keyword research and backlinks, you'll unlock the secrets of attracting visitors to your Wix website. Remember, the right keywords are like a map, guiding potential customers straight to your door. Backlinks are like votes of confidence, telling search engines your website is a must-see.

Ready to take your website to the next level? Start with some basic SEO keyword research and explore LSI keywords. Then, focus on building high-quality backlinks. Watch as your website traffic grows and your business thrives online!


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